In those 12 hours, I've slept; had crazy dreams, including one that foretells the outcome of the coming election (looks bad, y'all, real bad); finished Cavedweller (how the fuck did I forget about Dorothy Allison?); lounged and lounged some more. Now I'm here with the Boston Boy, reading and writing on the couch, aka my bed, while the Boston Girl showers. She says she'll take me to the waterfront and, no, that is not a euphemism, but it should be. The DC girls, R and J, left us for some Alone Time with Somebody Else. (I see your Alone Time, Somebody Else and I raise you 12 hours in the car with R and J tomorrow! I'm the winner!) There was much weeping and gnashing of teeth at their departure. We heart them. We do. I speak for All of Us.
While in the Frozen North here I have:
- taken public transportation, my bbf
- talked about anything and everything with folks who are very smart
- saw J make the funniest face *ever* (EVER) when a squirrel ate out of her hand
- laughed a bunch over stupid shit
- eaten Indian food
- formed Teh Wonder Triplets with Boston Girl and R
- had my back scratched twice
- lounged
- thought about ttc in ways that were not obsessive, nor were they stressful (yay)
- watched one bad movie and part of a good movie
- read a very, very good book (see above)
- lounged again
- saw fabulous and amazing works in progress and was so proud and impressed to see my friend doing work she loves
- lounged more
Serious, y'all. I might not come home. Send some clean socks, underpants and warmer weather with the cats.
You are too coming home, little missy. Don't even think about leaving us.
Also, here the air is crisp and you can smell all the lovely fires in fireplaces wafting out the chimneys. The other day the air was crispy and the light was crispy and the sky was beautiful with golden late afternoon light and all the leaves were blowing around in the air like fairies. Maybe like birds, tiny birds. All the big birds are sitting together in gangs high up in twisted naked tree branches looking like they are in charge.
So there. See you soon!
you wear underwear?
Yeah Cho-girl, that's what I say. I was all "clean what"?
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