Saturday, January 26, 2008

coming soon to a diner near you...

Well, the diner near me, that is. Yes, it's CLAW. C***** Lady's Arm Wrestling. Here's a sneak preview with Down Low Cho and Lefty Red.


Anonymous said...

Mostly I'm excited about you being a judge!!!
The Nurse

Anonymous said...

That was f*ing hysterical. How bout Lo Blo Cho Grrl?

Anonymous said...

I am afeared. I think I may be too competitive and not so much a good sport.
Thank you for not showing the next one.

Anonymous said...

Did she (L.R.) just forfeit?

J. E. Mauzy said...

Funny, I just ran into Lefty Red and she doesn't remember this video at all, even after prompting. She must be an arm-wrestling maniac!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I have arm wrestled so much lately, I can't remember who I beat as a lefty. Peace!!!