- had very bad cold yesterday, as in very bad, causing me to miss brunch with some Crazytown extendo-family types and a memorial service that I really wanted to attend. Said very bad cold still present this am, but still I have to go to work because that is The Way It Is.
- scramble to find tylenol at the only store open between my house and school, because that is the only pain killer I can take in the ttw, and a pain killer will keep me from killing the children at school, where I should not be because of above-mentioned very bad cold but too bad because that is The Way It Is.
- cho-girl subs in my class and as a bonus to her greatness, brings me tylenol, because above-mentioned store only had the sinus kind or the allergy kind and those kinds will probably make my Baby the Possible have 3 heads and so I did not buy them, but drove to school near tears instead (crying in the privacy of one's truck - or one's dad's truck - is far different from crying in front of Teh Public, plus, I said "near tears" not "in tears" see? I was sick! Cut me some slack.).
- half the staff of my school is out today - ok, not half, but 4 out of 14. No lie. But I get to teach with above-mentioned cho-girl, who is occasionally sympathetic but mostly just large and in charge of the children, which is just what the non-existent doctor ordered (things starting to look up here). Too much sympathy makes me woozy.
- manage to not kill any children at school, nor do I give them my very bad cold, because they must all be immune at this point, having already given it to me. Thanks, children.
- it rains. All day. We do not go outside, which means that I don't have to wake up my nappers. More sleep = yay.
- Sandy, Sophie's mama, is on the radio when I get in the truck after school (this is where things really begin to look up) and to sweeten the deal, Sophie is not too surly! That's 3 days in a row! And is worth both of those exclamation points and this bonus one!
- my roommate makes enchiladas for dinner. Enchiladas which will also be my lunch tomorrow. It is nice to be hungry again.
- (the best for last) I got these in the mail today:
Thanks Mrs. B. Art saves lives, y'all.
Poor you! I hope you're feeling better. There's little worse than having to work whilst sick. I'm glad that people are taking care of you. If I could, I'd make you a batch of my super-garlic chili chicken soup. It kicks the sick right out of you (although it's practically toxic to the healthy).
Feel better!
I am glad too. And I wanted to commend you on your bravery... I ALWAYS cry proper when I'm proper ill, and am impressed you were only "near" tears. Hugs and get well soon!! xx
you are funny. i like the way you take life's yucky times and make laughter out of the mess.
hope your cold is subsiding. be well . xo
Oh darling, I hope you're back to tip-top shape today. The week is still too long to be (almost) crying in cars on a Monday. Glad you like your sweets. Treat yourself (and Baby the Possible) to something decadent today. You both deserve it.
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