Wednesday, May 7, 2008

news from the RE plus lunch and numbers

Ok, so the cat is really sick (the black one, which makes me want to cry) and I have to run her to the vet and Sophie to soccer in a minute, but I know y'all want to hear the news from the RE as much as you wanted to see my ass.

My prog numbers from last cycle came back really off - from 11.3 down to 1.something. This is so off that the RE wonders if there was some sort of lab error. Anyway, the thought, as you know, is that femara doesn't do shit to boost my prog. He's up for adding prometrium to the mix with the 2.5 mg of femara and calling it a day. And my ovaries are "quiet" and my uterine lining is nice and thin so off we go - wheeeeee! CD 4, y'all. It's CD 4.

Sperm update shortly - so far so good, as the kids say.

Lunch: yesterday there was not really any lunch, I scrounged from the dregs of the snack cabinet and ended up with cheese with the mold cut off and triscuits plus some almost ready for the compost melon. But today! Today was left over chicken (breast this time, but don't read anything into that) with psuedo-fancy sauce (mayo mixed with roast garlic) and asparagus with Bragg's and lime (no lemons in the house). That link's just for you, Clemency.

Count down: 14.


Anonymous said...

oh no! So sorry about the kitty. Let me know how the vet goes. Will be sending love out into the universe and demanding that it find ya'll.

Thank goodness prometrium is coming to the party. I can't believe it is cd 4 already!

Lunch: coffee, sugar free grape popscicle, leftover brown rice from last night's dinner.


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the sophistic one.

OLN (Obligatory Lunch Note): Left-over catfish, lentils, and veggies [with banana and Triscuits (sequentially, not as a sandwich)].

Looking forward to the CD updates and such.


The D
(Did I already publish this? Blogger sometimes defeats me.)

Anonymous said...

I never knew that one needed a replacement for soy sauce...what's wrong with soy sauce?

Your Bragg's needs to update their packaging. That stuff looks like something I'd use to unclog the drains.

Lunch today - one bag of Cheese n' Bacon balls. I never knew my lunches were generally so dire until lunch logging. Thanks.

Sorry about your poor little black kittycat...glad she is feeling better though.
And spermination day must be only about a week away....YAY