Friday, June 6, 2008

and on a far more entertaining note

Thanks for the love, y'all. Honest. Thanks. I hooked up with a whiskey and the IVP as soon as I got home tonight.

Meanwhile, while I was out, the black cat was chez-cho. Or, rather, at Spa CHO.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back from the shithole. Here's to another cycle, goddamnit.

Anonymous said...

onward cycle, ho!

& no. I didn't call you a ho. I mean not really. Maybe just a little bit to test the waters to see if it would make you smile. did it?


word verification= gufuffit (go for it? go fuck it??)

NotesFrom2Moms said...

just checking in on you...

Pufferfish said...

I hope you've put the bottle down by now. If not, you might need a meeting. Blog more, please?

Anonymous said...

It's been a long while since I commented (on anyones blog) but I haven't stopped thinking of you.

Hope you've been enjoying the whiskey. Lots of love and fertile thoughts coming at you!

B said...

came across your blog. i am also a montessori teacher.