Last minute-thrown together this morning-almost dead lettuce salad with cucumbers (from home and snack leftovers) and a hard boiled egg dressed with olive oil, Bragg's and lemon juice. Plus cold coffee from the morning (I heart leftover coffee so much). And chaos. There was a good bit of chaos at lunch today. Perhaps tomorrow will be better. Log your lunch, my friends.
Big ttc post coming. I swear.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
stolen meme and lunch, not pants
Stolen, shamelessly, from Jude:
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
the view from the front porch
Q. How many televisions you have in your house?
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Polly the Possible
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
T's kid Frank
Q. Have you ever been knocked out?
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
it used to be Cynthia when I was a kid, but now I don't really care to change my name
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
ummmm....... who knows?
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
wellllllll..... sure (heh)
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
sure, if anyone would pay
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
Q: What is in your left pocket?
nothing - in the right there's keys
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
never saw it
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
well, unless I'm shaving my legs
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
2 - CVS specials
Q: Last person who texted you?
text???? me???
Q: Last person who called you?
Q: Person you hugged?
Q: Number?
Q: Season?
Q: Color?
orange. or pink
Q: Missing someone?
Q: Mood?
Q: Listening to?
birds outside
Q: Watching?
my typing
Q: Worrying about?
no much at the moment
Q: Wearing?
cords, ladybug shirt, sweater, stripey socks
Q: First place you went this morning?
the front door to let the cats out
Q: What can you not wait to do?
get knocked up
Q: Do you smile often?
Q: Are you a friendly person?
I hope so
And for lunch.......
Leftover psuedo-Indian from last night; basmati rice, lentils (pretend dahl), kale and cucumber raita.
It was a long day but I have convinced myself that I cannot go to bed until dark (I think I've got about 30 minutes). The licensing woman came to school today, to be sure we are doing all the million and one things the state thinks we should be doing to ensure the safety of the children in our care. We tend to do fine, but inspections are just not really fun. And then, as it is Tuesday, T and her fam came over and we went to the diner and now I am full of carbs. And ready for bed.
Continue with the lunch logging and meme yourself if you wish.
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
the view from the front porch
Q. How many televisions you have in your house?
Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Polly the Possible
Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
T's kid Frank
Q. Have you ever been knocked out?
Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
it used to be Cynthia when I was a kid, but now I don't really care to change my name
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
ummmm....... who knows?
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
wellllllll..... sure (heh)
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000
Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
sure, if anyone would pay
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
Q: What is in your left pocket?
nothing - in the right there's keys
Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
never saw it
Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
well, unless I'm shaving my legs
Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
2 - CVS specials
Q: Last person who texted you?
text???? me???
Q: Last person who called you?
Q: Person you hugged?
Q: Number?
Q: Season?
Q: Color?
orange. or pink
Q: Missing someone?
Q: Mood?
Q: Listening to?
birds outside
Q: Watching?
my typing
Q: Worrying about?
no much at the moment
Q: Wearing?
cords, ladybug shirt, sweater, stripey socks
Q: First place you went this morning?
the front door to let the cats out
Q: What can you not wait to do?
get knocked up
Q: Do you smile often?
Q: Are you a friendly person?
I hope so
And for lunch.......
Leftover psuedo-Indian from last night; basmati rice, lentils (pretend dahl), kale and cucumber raita.
It was a long day but I have convinced myself that I cannot go to bed until dark (I think I've got about 30 minutes). The licensing woman came to school today, to be sure we are doing all the million and one things the state thinks we should be doing to ensure the safety of the children in our care. We tend to do fine, but inspections are just not really fun. And then, as it is Tuesday, T and her fam came over and we went to the diner and now I am full of carbs. And ready for bed.
Continue with the lunch logging and meme yourself if you wish.
Monday, April 28, 2008
dangerous eating 2.0
Today was a Dangerous Eater's day, as Vee might say. Lunch was a leftover liverwurst, watercress and mustard sandwich on an everything bagel. I helped LB move yesterday and she bought us all bagels for lunch and I couldn't finish mine, so it became today's lunch - microbes be damned. It was still pretty good.
But, totally lapping me in the Dangerous Eater's Club is my cat, who is currently eating a starling for a late lunch, crouched under all the wood stove paraphernalia I stacked up in a corner the other day. *sigh*
Log your lunch, y'all.
ETA - she ate the head off and then I couldn't take it anymore and dragged her away by the collar and put the now headless bird in two newspaper bags. Now I am waiting for the cat to clean up the floor.
ETA More - I think she ate the skull, because I can't find it. How does one eat a skull?
But, totally lapping me in the Dangerous Eater's Club is my cat, who is currently eating a starling for a late lunch, crouched under all the wood stove paraphernalia I stacked up in a corner the other day. *sigh*
Log your lunch, y'all.
ETA - she ate the head off and then I couldn't take it anymore and dragged her away by the collar and put the now headless bird in two newspaper bags. Now I am waiting for the cat to clean up the floor.
ETA More - I think she ate the skull, because I can't find it. How does one eat a skull?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
how to feel accomplished in 2 easy steps
1. start a blog
2. list day's activities on said blog
bonus step 3. mirate one's list
Now, here's how to feel unaccomplished in 1 easy step: go check out what this girl got done before 11 am.
2. list day's activities on said blog
bonus step 3. mirate one's list
- woke up (always, always list this -always)
- stumbled around
- smelled and then cleaned up cat diarrhea from under the bathroom sink
- washed hands
- washed face
- went to city market
- bought food
- paid back vendors who nicely didn't charge me full price last week when I ran out of cash (this niceness sort of negates my market bugeting technique which is to leave when I am out of money)
- came home and started laundry, cleaned floors
- hung laundry out, continued cleaning floors
- went to parade!
- came home, started more laundry, summer-ized wood stove area and ate lunch
- hung out more laundry
- brought in laundry, first old (dumped on couch) then new (left damp in basket on porch), because of rain
- hung out old (damp) laundry, again.
- napped
- mowed half the lawn, brought in old laundry
- swept clouds - yes, CLOUDS - of pollen off the porch and washed porch down with old mop water
- watched the thunder storm
Now, here's how to feel unaccomplished in 1 easy step: go check out what this girl got done before 11 am.
lunch, lunch, lunch (pants)
It was market day, so there were all sorts of good things for lunch: salad with asparagus (yay 1st asparagus!), boiled egg pieces, cucumbers (not exactly in season, but local greenhouse grown ((I know, I know, I think it's cheating, too, but I love cucumbers)) near my folk's house), and scallions from the goat cheese man, all dressed with olive oil and Bragg's and little lemon. And a beer. Hooray for Saturday!
Prior to lunch, I went to the parade. I *love* a parade! Now it is time for a nap.
Log your lunch, y'all.
Heheh. "Pants" is just for you, Mrs. B.
Prior to lunch, I went to the parade. I *love* a parade! Now it is time for a nap.
Log your lunch, y'all.
Heheh. "Pants" is just for you, Mrs. B.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
thursday lunch, or are you sick of quiche yet?
Quiche. Again. With lentil/mung bean sprouts dressed in Bragg's and lemon, because the ponzu is gone.
And yet, there is still more quiche. Spinach and leek and bacon cubes. Please come over and eat some.
And yet, there is still more quiche. Spinach and leek and bacon cubes. Please come over and eat some.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
all local all the time
Check it out: locallectual
There's some local kids putting up a local goods website that is global. Well, at least aiming to be global. It's in the early phases and will get better and bigger the more folks use it, so go throw in your 2 cents about what's local in your locality.
And by the way, did you log your lunch?
There's some local kids putting up a local goods website that is global. Well, at least aiming to be global. It's in the early phases and will get better and bigger the more folks use it, so go throw in your 2 cents about what's local in your locality.
And by the way, did you log your lunch?
a bird on the fridge door is worth 2 in the hand
I was thinking about a snack and I went to the fridge to get out the goat cheese (goat cheese and dates - seems fancy, but it's not) and lo and behold there was a fake bird attached to the handle of the fridge door. A rather disheveled fake bird - one minus most of it's feathers, pale plastic underbelly exposed for all to see. WTF right?
Well, no. You see, yesterday was Tuesday - or as I have come to think of it - T-day, because it's the day that T comes over. Yesterday, she brought her husband, teen-age step-son and 4 year old, let's call him Frank. The orange haired teen-age step-son left shortly after they arrived, his gf beckoning from across town. Ah, youth...... Anyway we all went out to dinner and had the usual fight about who would pay the bill. And to settle the issue quickly, it was decided that I would give up my fight for the bill if I was allowed to buy some beer on the way home, which we would all sit around and drink (well, not Frank, but you know what I mean). So that's what we did.
But what the fuck does this have to do with the disheveled fake bird on the fridge, you ask? Patience, y'all, patience. Frank, the aforementioned 4 year old, busied himself doing little kid things while we sat round on the porch after dinner and at some point he asked me again, for the fifty-eleventh time, what was the deal with with the bird cage on the porch. For some time now, he's been trying to wrap his mind around the fake bird hanging upside down in the bird cage - he can't quite get if it's real or not, if it's alive or dead. The whole set up is a mystery to him. So last night, I took the bird out of the bird cage so he could get a good look at it. And after turning it over in his hands several times, he told me he was going to find a new spot for it. Inside. I didn't pay that much mind until this morning when I went to get the milk out of the fridge and in the semi-darkness of the kitchen noticed there was a fake bird hanging off the fridge door.
So now I want to go eat my fab dates and goat cheese treats, but I'll log my lunch first: left over fish burrito from last night's dinner plus left over strawberries from morning snack. Log your lunch, y'all.
Well, no. You see, yesterday was Tuesday - or as I have come to think of it - T-day, because it's the day that T comes over. Yesterday, she brought her husband, teen-age step-son and 4 year old, let's call him Frank. The orange haired teen-age step-son left shortly after they arrived, his gf beckoning from across town. Ah, youth...... Anyway we all went out to dinner and had the usual fight about who would pay the bill. And to settle the issue quickly, it was decided that I would give up my fight for the bill if I was allowed to buy some beer on the way home, which we would all sit around and drink (well, not Frank, but you know what I mean). So that's what we did.
But what the fuck does this have to do with the disheveled fake bird on the fridge, you ask? Patience, y'all, patience. Frank, the aforementioned 4 year old, busied himself doing little kid things while we sat round on the porch after dinner and at some point he asked me again, for the fifty-eleventh time, what was the deal with with the bird cage on the porch. For some time now, he's been trying to wrap his mind around the fake bird hanging upside down in the bird cage - he can't quite get if it's real or not, if it's alive or dead. The whole set up is a mystery to him. So last night, I took the bird out of the bird cage so he could get a good look at it. And after turning it over in his hands several times, he told me he was going to find a new spot for it. Inside. I didn't pay that much mind until this morning when I went to get the milk out of the fridge and in the semi-darkness of the kitchen noticed there was a fake bird hanging off the fridge door.
So now I want to go eat my fab dates and goat cheese treats, but I'll log my lunch first: left over fish burrito from last night's dinner plus left over strawberries from morning snack. Log your lunch, y'all.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Friday, April 25th is the National Day of Silence.
Now, I trust LesbianDad will do some amazing post on this (if she doesn't you can just go back through her archives and read pretty much anything), so I'll keep it short.
I'll make note of the day in my class. Treating everyone with kindness and compassion and respect is at the base of the whole Montessori philosophy and, even in my class of 2 year olds, we'll take a moment to be silent and then talk briefly about being kind to everyone, about listening and about just how important those 2 things are. My kids are two - I'm not going to ask them to be silent all day, nor am I interested in introducing them to some of the horrible things people can do to each other, and maybe creating silence in our classroom for a few moments will mean something only to me. But I cannot let the pain of other folks pass me by with out taking note: you gay kids who've suffered bullying and fights and even death, I see you. I see you.
What are you going to do?
Now, I trust LesbianDad will do some amazing post on this (if she doesn't you can just go back through her archives and read pretty much anything), so I'll keep it short.
I'll make note of the day in my class. Treating everyone with kindness and compassion and respect is at the base of the whole Montessori philosophy and, even in my class of 2 year olds, we'll take a moment to be silent and then talk briefly about being kind to everyone, about listening and about just how important those 2 things are. My kids are two - I'm not going to ask them to be silent all day, nor am I interested in introducing them to some of the horrible things people can do to each other, and maybe creating silence in our classroom for a few moments will mean something only to me. But I cannot let the pain of other folks pass me by with out taking note: you gay kids who've suffered bullying and fights and even death, I see you. I see you.
What are you going to do?
Log Your Lunch for the win!
Look at all those lunches! Woo! Lunch! And pants.
So today's lunch for me is the same as yesterday's. More quiche and salad-y shit with the addition of radishes. It was good and then I had some grapes and Smartfood for my naptime snack. See, the children nap and I eat as I clean my classroom.
In other news, I am back on The Coffeez. For realz this time. I had some yesterday afternoon - full caff - and had no trouble getting to sleep.
Don't forget to log your lunch!
So today's lunch for me is the same as yesterday's. More quiche and salad-y shit with the addition of radishes. It was good and then I had some grapes and Smartfood for my naptime snack. See, the children nap and I eat as I clean my classroom.
In other news, I am back on The Coffeez. For realz this time. I had some yesterday afternoon - full caff - and had no trouble getting to sleep.
Don't forget to log your lunch!
Monday, April 21, 2008
teh round-up plus bonus new idea (!)
Thanks for the sweet comments after my crap day last week, y'all. You're the best. For real.
Aren't you dying to know what I've been doing? On the edge of your collective seat? I'll give you a list o' the highlights, because who needs narrative form? Not this girl.
Good job getting this far! As a prize, I'll tell you my idea. See, I used to go on this sight called "Lunch Is Fun (TM)" all the time. All the fucking time. What's better than seeing what other people ate for lunch? Also, what's better than the word lunch? Maybe the word pants. Maybe. Anyway, as I was making tomorrow's lunch just a mere hour ago, I though, well, Starrhillgirl, you could just log your lunch on your very own blog and maybe that would make you post everyday. And maybe your internet people will want to log their lunches, too! In your comments! Because you love a good comment almost as much as a good lunch!
It's like a game! We'll even give it it's own cleverly named tag: Lunch. Woo and Hoo!
So today I had a piece of quiche and a little salad of watercress (yay the market!) and lentil/bean sprouts with ponzu, which is the dressing of the month here at Starrhill. What did you eat? Remember, a good lunch can salvage a crap day, so log your lunch, y'all.
Aren't you dying to know what I've been doing? On the edge of your collective seat? I'll give you a list o' the highlights, because who needs narrative form? Not this girl.
- pre-ovulation wanding showed good early response to the femara: cushy lining, 3 (!) follicles - 1 on the left (12.5mm), 2 on the right (15.5mm and 13.5mm)
- dinner of potato chips, fancy cheese and bread + lambic beer with LB on the porch
- nothing else of note
- stupid work thing turns out to not be so stupid in the end and anyway it's over
- 2 pitchers of gimlets at IB's house! (Cut me some slack, it was a small pitcher.) Yay IB! Topics of discussion included, but were not limited to: When Bad Things Happen to Good Friends (extended mega-mix edition), Generous Parents (grateful edition), What's Going on With Our Friends (vol. 1,000,354).
- what can top that?
- the market! Sightings of Elsie, plus various other folks. Lots of fab spring produce (yay real food!) and additional goods, e.g. lesbian bagels! Plus, a kid from my school was there and she had a flower with her that she'd brought, just in case she saw me. And her ever-kind mama told me she had a small box of very nice organic baby clothes that she'd love to give me, if that wouldn't be too hard for me to deal with/seem like bad luck and if it was, she'd hang onto them for a while longer and check in again. Wow - generous and understanding together are an unbeatable team. All good things happen at the market.
- laundry! (I heart laundry)
- yard work made easier and better by various neighbors (note to self, when getting plants from mom, only take as many as you can remember the names of).
- lounging made easier by finished yardwork
- coffee date that brought up some interesting ideas about doula shit
- Teh Coffeez with cho-girl!
- Sunday comics!
- stupid cold rain (blah)
- bonus wanding! With New and Sure To Be Improving Med Student! Honest, I love when there are students, because I can ask even more questions and listen in on the medical banter. My RE asked the tiny med student all sorts of fertility related questions and I could answer every one. To the point the the RE told me to shut up, joking, but really I think he'd had enough out of me. So it seems I responded quite well to the femara in terms of ovulation, now we'll see what it can do for my luteal phase issues.
- more stupid cold rain (blah again)
Good job getting this far! As a prize, I'll tell you my idea. See, I used to go on this sight called "Lunch Is Fun (TM)" all the time. All the fucking time. What's better than seeing what other people ate for lunch? Also, what's better than the word lunch? Maybe the word pants. Maybe. Anyway, as I was making tomorrow's lunch just a mere hour ago, I though, well, Starrhillgirl, you could just log your lunch on your very own blog and maybe that would make you post everyday. And maybe your internet people will want to log their lunches, too! In your comments! Because you love a good comment almost as much as a good lunch!
It's like a game! We'll even give it it's own cleverly named tag: Lunch. Woo and Hoo!
So today I had a piece of quiche and a little salad of watercress (yay the market!) and lentil/bean sprouts with ponzu, which is the dressing of the month here at Starrhill. What did you eat? Remember, a good lunch can salvage a crap day, so log your lunch, y'all.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
and the horse you rode in on
It's been a crap day. How about some pictures?
The highlight of the otherwise crap day was remembering that I drove the t-bird to work (thanks, Dad). This one's for J.

Here's the new dye job, compliments of cho-girl. You can see my funny ear in this picture.
I sure am glad y'all are around. Let's all have a better day tomorrow, shall we?
Here's the new dye job, compliments of cho-girl. You can see my funny ear in this picture.
I sure am glad y'all are around. Let's all have a better day tomorrow, shall we?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Oh, yes, my friends, I owe y'all a post. I do. There's no news, though.
I'm back at work after a week of vacation. It's fine. Work is fine.
Femara is also fine - no side effects and the pills are tiny and easy to swallow. There's one left. I bought yet another box of opks (at $20 a pop I should have bought stock in the company) because I'll need to go get wanded at the first sign of a surge. I fear the weekend will fuck me up here. But really, who the fuck cares because I'm not inseminating this cycle. Ok, I do care. As does my dear RE.
Old Clear Blue and I are on the outs. Again. It's me, not her. Well, I guess as in any relationship, it takes two. There's some debate about if monitors work when one is taking femara. So I am not to count on CB, which is no real hardship because I have such a long-standing, if non-monogamous, relationship with the opks. Plus, old Clear Blue did me wrong last month. Wrong. I never got a peak. Never. So I gave up. And here is where we get to my part in this downturn of our relationship - I did not ever hit the "M button" to reset everything for CD 1. Oops. So I did that this morning. Old Clear Blue says CD 6, but really, it's CD 8. Clearly we have some communications issues in our relationship. Maybe some couples therapy.... Or maybe I could just fucking get knocked up already and past the motherfucker on to my ex gf.
Non ttc news - CLAW was great, and I am late with my Under Teh Table post, but I'll get on it. My hair is dyed (and cut - whew!), but the tattoo has not materialized yet. This week, though.
I'm back at work after a week of vacation. It's fine. Work is fine.
Femara is also fine - no side effects and the pills are tiny and easy to swallow. There's one left. I bought yet another box of opks (at $20 a pop I should have bought stock in the company) because I'll need to go get wanded at the first sign of a surge. I fear the weekend will fuck me up here. But really, who the fuck cares because I'm not inseminating this cycle. Ok, I do care. As does my dear RE.
Old Clear Blue and I are on the outs. Again. It's me, not her. Well, I guess as in any relationship, it takes two. There's some debate about if monitors work when one is taking femara. So I am not to count on CB, which is no real hardship because I have such a long-standing, if non-monogamous, relationship with the opks. Plus, old Clear Blue did me wrong last month. Wrong. I never got a peak. Never. So I gave up. And here is where we get to my part in this downturn of our relationship - I did not ever hit the "M button" to reset everything for CD 1. Oops. So I did that this morning. Old Clear Blue says CD 6, but really, it's CD 8. Clearly we have some communications issues in our relationship. Maybe some couples therapy.... Or maybe I could just fucking get knocked up already and past the motherfucker on to my ex gf.
Non ttc news - CLAW was great, and I am late with my Under Teh Table post, but I'll get on it. My hair is dyed (and cut - whew!), but the tattoo has not materialized yet. This week, though.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
things to do when you're not pg
- dye hair
- get tattoo
- attend CLAW
- have drinks
Other ideas welcome.
So, yeah. No dice. I started bleeding on the train on the way home Monday (because disappointment is best with a chaser of inconvenience) and promptly had a scotch when I walked in the back door. On to femara.
But meanwhile, there's fabulous news over at Chicory's and on the other side of the world for Chips, nearby at Chronicles of Conception and also for my girl at Knuckle Down. Yay, y'all. Yay!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
very hard meme *sigh*
She spent a great deal of time that afternoon in the back room, bent over, transferring paper from its box into the recycling bin. There were handfuls of junk mail, crushed cereal boxes, torn up offers of money from various credit card companies, all destined for a new life as toilet paper or some other useful product. Then in went the newspapers, on top of the crumpled balls of tinfoil and empty can of tomatoes. The cat whining at the door skidded out at the same time she did, recycling bin pushing open the broken storm door. The sun outside was bright still and one of the neighbors was running a lawnmower. After dropping the bin by the street with a grunt, she turned to walk back up the driveway to get the trash. And noticed a condom, unfurled in all its faded glory, on the sidewalk.
If your life were to be novelized, starting last night, how would the opening paragraph(s) read? Brand Spanking New Meme. From Chicory, Queen of the New Jobness. I tag you, LB, and you, Chips and you, I.D.A. And that's all. Unless you want to write a novel in the comments, of course.
(As an aside, I am on more prometrium than I have ever been on in my life and, lord, my boobs. Whew. Note we are just ignoring this ttw.)
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