Saturday, November 17, 2007

let's pretend

Let's pretend this is a food blog, not a ttc blog. 'K?

The glut of summer produce is over. At least for me. Because it is fall and because my CSA ended weeks and weeks ago in Spetember. I really am not sure why it ended so early - it's gone well into October previous years. I'm also not so sure what I think about staying with the farm next year. There were several people who'd worked there for a couple seasons who "left" last spring and I've heard varying reports as to why. From the rather innocuous "new management" explanation, to the rather troubling (or at least head-scratch inducing) allegations of stealing directed at the folks who "left" (the leaving, which could and has been described as firing, happened over a scattered amount of time). So I am torn. I don't want to take part in something where the folks who work there are treated less than well, but I do have a tie to this farm now, to the land itself and the view from the barn looking north past the house towards the woods.

I've broken into my stash of frozen goods and, really, frozen broccoli? Not as good a fresh, even when you've frozen it yourself. I don't know why this came as a surprise.

Recipes For Trouble has a good post up about making meals - for yourself, for other folks. In your home, what do you do about meals? Sit down at the table? Stand up at the sink? (Of course you do this in the summer with peaches, leaning over to keep the drips off your shirt, there's no other option - oh, summer..... I miss you already.) Who do you cook for and does it "mean" something when you do? Who cooks for you? I tend to eat sitting down, at the table, more out of habit than anything. I do make meals for myself; I love to cook. But I'd rather you show up around dinnertime and help me eat. Except sometimes it is nice to read the comics with dinner if I missed them at breakfast.

Also, the Flavor of the Week? Browned butter on popcorn. You'll love it. Almost as much as I love you.


Anonymous said...

I like to cook sometimes.not for one. Not when It is late and right after work. I do like it though. I like to eat sitting down. I think eating standing up is the work of the devil. I think eating while doing other things is the work of the devil, not reading or listening or talking but working or moving or standing, those are from the devil. Everyone should take a lunch break, always, everyone. I wouldn't cook for someone who made me uncomfortable.

Elsie said...

I love to cook for other people. I hate to cook for myself. I get bored instantaneously with anything I have made. Two meals tops. Then the rest ends up molding. I love to cook for my Sweet Boy. He eats food like it is goin' outta style and never puts on weight. It is incredibly rewarding. And he appreciates it. He is in awe that I can whip something up from whatever is laying around the pantry and the fridge and in the summer, the garden. "You are so much better at this than I am" and if you know my boy, you will know that these, truly, are words not to be taken lightly. When I am by myself, I heat a can of soup and eat it while standing in the kitchen, eating from the pot and flipping through a magazine.

B P said...

I only recently started to love to eat. but now i do. i covet and savor every bite. not having loved to eat before, i didn't know what i was missing when i settled for less than a good meal. now i do and am, slowly, slowly, learning how to cook and how to enjoy what i have cooked. it is hard to cook for myself, knowing i will have to eat the same thing for so long. i get bored with that. i am starting to learn to use the freezer.