Saturday, February 9, 2008

does 2 in 1 night make up for it?

Remember when I hit you up for pictures of your kids? Yes, you do. Well, here's the result. If you want to know how the lobbying went down, Chicory has her usual dead-on take up for your perusal. There's some folks over in Utah who are busting their collective asses to make things right for their kids. For all of our kids. See, even in February, you can hang onto some hope.

(Click the picture in Keri's blog to enlarge and see if you can find kids you know. Sophie's in there, sticking her tongue out, right under the W.)


Anonymous said...

wow. that banner is AMAZING! it gave me chills to see it... and even cooler to see my friends little boys (my godson and his older brother)

i cant imagine how gorgeous it is in person...

Anonymous said...

You were great as the under the table ump! What a night!