Friday, February 1, 2008

random friday randomness

In list form! For you! (Ok, really for me, the lover of lists)

*Cappy-icy-pseudo-snow-day. There was ice, sort of, and so school opened late, which was great, but the weather was crap. We are Richmond again. *sigh* If it will not really snow, it should be May already. Because the weather should bend to my whim.

* 5 dpo blood work. Scheduled early in the am so as not to require a sub at school (and the roads were so fine - see above). Charming woman and her 2 children also in for early am blood work present and accounted for. Waiting rooms are like heaven to me. Really. Also nice lab tech. Also, I kind of like having blood drawn. Honest. Plus! Bonus! No co-pay! Woo and hoo!

*Aye. The moodiness on the way home from above blood work. Aye. Related to: recently discovered differences in so called "core values" with some folks. Crap. Not that mine are better, but really, I can't roll with Teh Discrimination based on anything. Just can't. Plus, being taken to task about a whole other set of gender issues. Aye. Can't we all just get along and not exclude folks? Moodiness also related to general ttc angst. I'd like my baby now, please.

*Driving home of the friend of Sophie. Usually this friend walks, but it was nasty (see above) and this semester in gym is All Swimming All the Time (or at every other day), so both girls had wet hair and so I gave her a ride. Much to Sophie's delight. There has been Teh Drama Among Tweener Friends of late and it is Teh Hard. Poor Soph.


*Random unexpected visit from old friend A who is back in the country (and has a nice new car!). We had Jack Daniels and a fire and visited and visited. So good. So, so good.

*Feeling Badness over bailing on a commitment. One of the things I hate most. But it had to be done. Aye. Upsetting people is Teh Hard.

*Mail! Brought in by old friend A (see above) and containing a nice, nice letter from my insurance company, expressing their desire to pay for my upcoming HSG! Anthem - my new BFF. Thank you, oh thank you, great-but-under-paid teaching job that keeps me fully insured.


sara said...

Wait, you LIKE getting blood drawn?! I did not used to mind it quite so much, but lately it seems that about 50% of the people who try to draw said blood from me have a hard time finding my vein. Yea for mail and visits!

Anonymous said...

honestly, you LIKE getting your blood drawn? does that mean that someone perhaps gazing at the vein-structure of your hands and forearms would not creep you out??? hmmm. i may have to rethink the MI-girl thing. :P

i agree. the weather should indeed bend to your whim. and yes, a baby now, please.

you are far too funny for your own good.

kittenroar5 said...

Blood at 5dpo? Why, pray-tell?

Woohoo on the HSG!

And you teach too? Masochist.

Anonymous said...

that is insanely awesome about the coverage of the HSG.

I want popcorns and jack daniels please.

Anonymous said...

your friday sounds lovely! and interesting and then lovely again.

B P said...

yay insurance company! (i never never imagined myself saying that ever ever in my whole whole life)

ps - tell A i say "Hey" if you get the chance...ok?

Anonymous said...

many kudos to the insurance co! and double kudos to jack and mail and friends.

good luck! hope you have many more lovely days ahead.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, sounds like you owe me an email, chica!