Thursday, November 1, 2007


Late, as usual.
So there are 3 hours left in this, the first day of November, and I have nothing, no things, to blog about. Or rather, there are the usual million half written posts in my head, but it is too late and I am too tired to pull any one of them to fruition. It's been crazy around these parts

In lieu of a real post I'll give you what you really want: all the news that's fit to print from the world of ttc. Woo and hoo! I had a nice appointment with Dr. Accu this afternoon and got my new batch of crazy Chinese herbs - the ovulations ones to start tomorrow and the luteal phase ones to start after I ovulate. There should be sperm winging it's way eastward tomorrow evening, due to arrive at my door Saturday morning.

What? You say you want stats? CD 12, low on old Clear Blue, stark white opks, some vaguely watery CM. Did I say possible tmi? No? Too bad for you, that goes without saying chez Starr Hill.

Ok, so that's 1. Of the 30 that are to come in as many days. Y'all will be sick of me by the first of December.

Let us all bow to the west, in the direction of my New "Can't Beat Them With Sticks" Donors. Thank you does not even begin to encompass it.


gold star said...

YAY - you're posting every day. Can't wait to see the stuff you come up with.

Anonymous said...

it's getting close! yay!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, i'm hoping for a +OPK just in time tomorrow...and even though i just started reading, it's hard to imagine getting sick of you.
*staying tuned*

Anonymous said...

More blogging from you equals more skivving from work for me - blog away my dear!
And crank up that luteal hormone - come join us in the TWW!