Monday, April 21, 2008

teh round-up plus bonus new idea (!)

Thanks for the sweet comments after my crap day last week, y'all. You're the best. For real.

Aren't you dying to know what I've been doing? On the edge of your collective seat? I'll give you a list o' the highlights, because who needs narrative form? Not this girl.

  • pre-ovulation wanding showed good early response to the femara: cushy lining, 3 (!) follicles - 1 on the left (12.5mm), 2 on the right (15.5mm and 13.5mm)
  • dinner of potato chips, fancy cheese and bread + lambic beer with LB on the porch
  • nothing else of note
  • stupid work thing turns out to not be so stupid in the end and anyway it's over
  • 2 pitchers of gimlets at IB's house! (Cut me some slack, it was a small pitcher.) Yay IB! Topics of discussion included, but were not limited to: When Bad Things Happen to Good Friends (extended mega-mix edition), Generous Parents (grateful edition), What's Going on With Our Friends (vol. 1,000,354).
  • what can top that?
  • the market! Sightings of Elsie, plus various other folks. Lots of fab spring produce (yay real food!) and additional goods, e.g. lesbian bagels! Plus, a kid from my school was there and she had a flower with her that she'd brought, just in case she saw me. And her ever-kind mama told me she had a small box of very nice organic baby clothes that she'd love to give me, if that wouldn't be too hard for me to deal with/seem like bad luck and if it was, she'd hang onto them for a while longer and check in again. Wow - generous and understanding together are an unbeatable team. All good things happen at the market.
  • laundry! (I heart laundry)
  • yard work made easier and better by various neighbors (note to self, when getting plants from mom, only take as many as you can remember the names of).
  • lounging made easier by finished yardwork
  • coffee date that brought up some interesting ideas about doula shit
  • Teh Coffeez with cho-girl!
  • Sunday comics!
  • stupid cold rain (blah)
  • bonus wanding! With New and Sure To Be Improving Med Student! Honest, I love when there are students, because I can ask even more questions and listen in on the medical banter. My RE asked the tiny med student all sorts of fertility related questions and I could answer every one. To the point the the RE told me to shut up, joking, but really I think he'd had enough out of me. So it seems I responded quite well to the femara in terms of ovulation, now we'll see what it can do for my luteal phase issues.
  • more stupid cold rain (blah again)

Good job getting this far! As a prize, I'll tell you my idea. See, I used to go on this sight called "Lunch Is Fun (TM)" all the time. All the fucking time. What's better than seeing what other people ate for lunch? Also, what's better than the word lunch? Maybe the word pants. Maybe. Anyway, as I was making tomorrow's lunch just a mere hour ago, I though, well, Starrhillgirl, you could just log your lunch on your very own blog and maybe that would make you post everyday. And maybe your internet people will want to log their lunches, too! In your comments! Because you love a good comment almost as much as a good lunch!

It's like a game! We'll even give it it's own cleverly named tag: Lunch. Woo and Hoo!

So today I had a piece of quiche and a little salad of watercress (yay the market!) and lentil/bean sprouts with ponzu, which is the dressing of the month here at Starrhill. What did you eat? Remember, a good lunch can salvage a crap day, so log your lunch, y'all.


ES said...

CJ!!! How are you? Oh my, I had not checked in here for a while. I am so sorry for the bloody period (literally, thinking of it), and I like your hair, and am happy to hear you are enjoying spring with friends, and the farmer's market (I love that you call those lesbian bagels, by the way! Because they are!)
and I would love to see you before I head home but I remember you telling me that the city of angels would not see your pretty face until june? I am leaving end of may, and i will be back, you know.

What else what else? Let's do some emailing.

Tricia said...

You picked a bad day for me to log my lunch. It's embarrassing. I had leftover pizza (which I ate before 11am cuz I was hungry) and then there was a chocolate bar in the common room, so I had some of that, and then I was starving, but didn't realize it so I had some chai.

I'll do better tomorrow.

Anyway, yay follicles plural. And I still have a package here to (re)mail to you. Boy, I suck.

OH yeah, and tell us about ponzu.

N said...

Alas, my lunch wasn't so interesting. J and I went to a Chinese Restaurant, and I had the broth from wonton soup, and some chicken fried rice.

Today will be mac 'n cheese from TJ's. We've been laming out lately because she's been cooking so much for other people.

(also, hi. :) finally wandered over from IVP)

Lizzie said...

Too embarassed to blog my lunch. You've set a very high bar. But let me pop in just to say I am SO JEALOUS of your Friday. Maybe I'll have a gimlet for lunch. xo

Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmm...lambic beer.

awesome femara brew you have there.

Lunch yesterday was a toasted turkey sammich with spinach and too many kettle chips. Today I am going to have some leftover quiche (oooh! Quiche twins!). The quiche was a bit soggy-ish day one. SOmething about zucchini...but I have big hopes for the reheat.


Anonymous said...

gimlets! lesbian bagels! pants!

Every post you give me reminds me why I love you.

But I have to disappoint you because I have honestly been drinking 32-48 oz of kefir every day all day since Sunday until dinner. You'd think I have a yeast infection or something, but nope! I'm just in a phase.

Off to finish my e-mail to you.

Yipee for 3 follies!

Pufferfish said...

Well, it is a gorgeous spring day here in NYC (I thought you were visiting here in April, no?) and so I waited in line for 45 minutes at Madison Square Park for a super healthy lunch at the Shake Shack (haha)!
Those cheeseburgers have an evil carbon footprint, but I don't own a car, so maybe it's all balanced out?

I tried to go to Lunch Is Fun, but it's full of spam these days...

Triple Follies?! Woohoo!!

Anonymous said...

Wanadered over from another TTC blog and thought I'd play along.

Today's lunch was grilled chicken strips and black beans from the mexican catered lunch some people had at work. It's Passover so no free tortillas, rice, or chips, cookies, or brownies for me, boo!

Anonymous said...

ok-- my lunch is not really that interesting, but I'm game. I had a Lean Cuisine Pepperoni Pizza (I can't help it! I love those things!) and some apricots. Yes, I know, I live like a rock star.